What on earth is he putting under his lip?

Where I live we quite often get tourist and many of them are from Sweden. Once I was talking to one of them when he suddenly took out a round little object from his pocket, opened it and what was inside looked like dirt. He made a ball out of it an stuffed it under his upper lip, spat once and continued talking. I had no clue what he was doing and as the well behaved person I am I didn´t ask. But I think he saw my expression. He took it out again and asked if I wanted to try. I could feel the smell from far away and I now know why he looked so satisfied. I did what he had done, and swallowed maybe half of it. I liked the taste of it, but it took some spitting to get the juices under control. 

Where can I buy this?

I asked the man where this product was sold and he showed me a site on the internet. He typed Snus Switzerland and immediately a webpage popped up. There they sell swedish tobacco of all sorts. Not only to swedes but all over the world. To anyone who wants it. The guy showed me some of the labels they had and recommended the pre made ones. The snus was in small bags. That way I didn´t have to spit as much he said. Well, I ordered a few boxes of the snus and now I know I can go to Sweden and look like a proper swede! 

16 Jun 2018


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